Tag Archives : news

Make up: Novità Rimmel London!

Ciao ragazze, oggi parliamo di make up! In estate ovviamente cambia, diventa più leggero, meno consistente, ma non per questo meno appariescente! Make up: a quali prodotti non potete rinunciare? In estate si sta fuori casa giornate intere, al mare, in montagna, sotto il sole… insomma il programma giornaliero si può evolvere improvvisamente e bisogna farsi trovare pronte per ogni…

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My holidays make up by Lepo

There are many women who can not do without foundation, but I’m not one of those because I’m always struggling to find a product that suits my skin. Finally I found a foundation suitable for me, namely the Bio Perfection by Lepo, which with its formulation based on natural oils including date and macadamia, also acts as a serum, nourishing the…

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